Darby Smart Reviews

Darby Smart Review July 2016

Darby Smart Review July 2016.

Okay, so I don’t know about anyone else, but I am addicted to the subscription boxes. I follow subscription addiction for the latest news on different boxes and which subscription works for me.  I recently came across this monthly craft box called Darby Smart. You can go to their site here to check it out. They also just have kits you can buy anytime if you do not want a subscription. I like it because I get overwhelmed in a craft store and really do not know what to buy.

Mystery Box Breakdown: Its $19 which includes tax and shipping for your monthly subscription and you cancel anytime. You receive a surprise in the mail of a new craft each month. They send all of your supplies and a card with a link to get your directions on how to craft the items they sent.

Here is a picture of what I received in my first box!! The box fit right in my mailbox too (I am not sure if they all fit in your mailbox but this one did).

The box I received in my mailbox and all the goodies inside

So I got the rustic jute orbs, so cute!! I remember doing something similar to this in art class when I was younger but maybe we were working with plaster instead, I think.  I went to the link and watched this cute video on how to make the rustic jute orbs. I was not able to start on the project right away because life happens but I did start on it a few weeks later.

All the items pulled out of the box ready to start

A few weeks later…I pulled out all the supplies from the box and this is what was inside. I laid one of my old towels down(because I did not want wood glue everywhere, it gets messy). Oh, and I used one of my rulers and scissors because you had to cut string all the same length and then plunge the strings in glue. I blew(I mean my husband blew up the balloons because I cannot for some reason; he’s just better at it;) )up the balloons two different sizes because I thought they would look better that way displayed.I then wrapped the glue covered string around each of the balloons so each of the string ends met at some other point or string so they all look connected.

Glue covered string wrapped around the balloons to dry for about 8 hours

I let the glue dry on the strings for about 8 hours or so. Then the fun part, popping the balloons!! After the balloons are popped, you can use the Emory board to file down some of the glue on the strings. Then string the lights around the orb and surprise!!

Finished project!

So, they turned out a lot better than I thought they would. I really loved this project and it goes with my house decor pretty well. I hope this Darby Smart subscription teaches me many crafts to use as a hobby or to give new ideas to boost my creativity. I cannot wait to see what they send me next month. And just a little note: I still have a little glue and string left over to maybe do a bowl or an ornament or something. I hope this review helps you! Craft On!









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